New blog!

If you are looking at this blog, you might be interested to know that I have started to use a different blog. I will not be updating this page, so if you want to read my new posts, my new blog is hosted on Github pages. Thank you for reading!

Research lessons learnt the hard way #1: maintaining organised data files

This is the first post in a (hopefully not long) series of research lessons learned from making mistakes. Most of the lessons have been in various aspects of programming as none of my supervisors or fellow postgraduates have any interest in R or Python, so I have had to learn through books and online resources. […]

The Power Dialogues

Originally posted on pigee:
The following is a hypothetical exchange between a graduate student and Professor Belfry-Roaster.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent…. Budlie Bond: Professor Belfry-Roaster I was confused today in journal club when everyone started discussing power.  I’ve taken my grad stats courses, but they didn’t teach us anything about…

Do Smokers Consist of a Single Group?

The aim of my PhD thesis is to build a greater understanding of the differences between smokers. A lot of people talk about smokers as if they were all the same but there are larger differences in how many cigarettes people smoke and what motivates them. I wrote a short piece for the Journal of European Psychology Students’ blog […]

Reasons to Move your Surveys Online

When I was collecting data for my last project, I printed off reams upon reams of paper for my questionnaires, information sheets etc. I did not particularly like it at the time but I could not see a different way of doing it. However, when it was completed and I had a pile of paper […]

Book review: Chasing the Scream (Johann Hari)

‘Chasing the Scream’ is an interesting and person-centred account of the war on drugs by covering its creation and modern implications, and the current movements toward legalisation or decriminalisation. The book is especially interesting as I am what Hari identified early on in the book as an ‘ivory tower’ researcher (although as a student, my […]